Monday, May 16, 2011

Long Weekend.

It has been a few days since my first post. A lot has happened in the past few days. First of SWAT( has taken off like crazy. We have done many media interviews and many public events. I am very excited to see where this is going. We are gaining credibility day by day with NWS, media, and the public.

This past weekend my wife and some of her family went skydiving. I decided to stay on the ground and used the excuse my death defying act is chasing tornadoes. I am glad that she was able to have the opportunity to do something like that in her life time. She had so much fun and wants to do it again.

On a sad note as we were driving to Ohio for a SWAT event at Eldora Speedway my neighbor called and said that our dog Sancho got out of the fence and was hit by a tractor. She said he was hiding under their porch and could not get him out. What a helpless feeling being an hour and a half away and not being able to do anything. Luckily I have an awesome brother and I called him and he was able to rush him to the emergency animal hospital in Anderson. He has a fractured pelvis and a broken femur. His recovery time will be 6-8 weeks and will have to wear a cone for 2 weeks. Just got off the phone with the doctor and it looks like the cost is going to be almost 5000 dollars. Kinda crazy but would not even think twice about paying it. I know it is just a dog but for me it is way more than that. The doctor said he will probably fully recover and be able to use the leg just fine.

A week from today I leave for my last class of my college career. I am going to the Plains for 3 weeks to chase tornadoes and thunderstorms. Should be fun but I will definitely be worried about my dog and my wife while I am gone. She is the one that will have to do most of the work to keep Sancho off that leg and dealing with the ups and downs of his healing. If anyone can do it she is the one that can handle it.

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